the argentinian putaparió flowered this week. a chacoense variety recorded in GRIN (the american germaplasm resources information network) as PI560944 and collected from córdoba province. its spanish name refers to the expletive one utters after ingestion... small chilli peppers in the region are commonly named putapariós.
el putaparió argentino floreció esta semana. una variedad chacoense registrada en GRIN (la red de información americana sobre recursos de germaplasma) como PI560944 y recolectada en la provincia de córdoba. su nombre se refiere a la palabrota que uno profiere tras su ingestión... en la región los chiles pequeños son comunmente llamados putapariós.
Your calyx teeth of Puta Pario are not visible in the flower pic, so those are a lot shorter than mine. Also the yellow color is missing from the stamen. Must be from a different plant as mine, but named the same.
Your calyx teeth of Puta Pario are not visible in the flower pic, so those are a lot shorter than mine. Also the yellow color is missing from the stamen. Must be from a different plant as mine, but named the same.
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